Features & Functions

- Write from scratch
- Copy from documents or manuals
- Import PowerPoints
- Import SCORM
- No limits on size, content, or time
Just point-&-click, drag-and-drop
- Text
- Images
- Videos
- Sounds
- Voiceovers
- PDFs
- Attachments
- Hyperlinks
- PowerPoint
- Interactive questions
- Quizzes
- Exams
- Feedback Surveys

Aviation Tip! Since things change constantly in aviation, so can your training.
ASCENT is the only eLearning platform that enables you to edit training content LIVE and also track the training properly and ensure the information is properly distributed to learners.
- Key to clients getting content approved by Transport Canada and FAA smoothly and swiftly since 2003!
- EASY exam builder
- Custom Question Bank
- Create, import, or export questions
- Self-correctable to 100% (as per regulatory guidelines)
- Variable passing score.
- Intelligent failed exam re-takes which TEACH the student what they didn’t learn
- Auto lockout and notification when fails exceeded.
- Multiple question types

Hundreds of aviation companies with thousands of courses and exams over 20+ years have breezed through their audits by FAA, Transport Canada, ISBAO, and others. You will too!
- Customizable training certificates and wallet cards (auto generated)
- Dozens of report types.
- Point-&-click
- Export to PDF, xls (Excel), or csv (database or other spreadsheets)
- Every exam attempt is scored and stored
- All records remain indefinitely for as long as you use the system

- Free unlimited use!
- Send a detailed message (with attachments) to individuals or groups that they must read and acknowledge and even prove they read it. All carefully tracked and documented, and stored in Memos libraries.

- Free unlimited use!
- Securely store, sort, update, and track digital files.
- Control who has what level of access.
- Track changes within the password-protected system
- Available anywhere there’s internet

- Free unlimited use!
- Build custom report forms
- Available to all staff within secure system
- Track investigations and actions
- Redact personal info
- Store in company online libraries
- Sequentially numbered – tamper-proof for credibility with auditors