INCLUDED FREE (in Workplace Edition)
TRACKED & DOCUMENTED COMMUNICATION with your staff with assurance they have read, understood, and agreed to the content of the message.
Excellent for company announcements, service bulletins, airworthiness directives, policy change notices, disciplinary action notices, etc.

- Set your own categories, numbering, etc.
- Memo numbers automatically sequenced
- Send to individuals, departments, locations, job types, company wide
- Memo can contain unlimited text, images, attachments.
- Embed or attach PDF documents
- Send to individuals, groups (departments, locations, job types), or company wide
- Re-Send previous memos to new hires, or to employees moved to new department or job type.

- All recipients are immediately notified by email that they have been sent a memo and must read it, with a link to log in to read the memo.
- When memo viewed, access to the rest of the system is blocked until the student clicks the confirmation button.
- ENSURE THEY HAVE READ IT: Option to force reader to answer up to three questions correctly before they can confirm they read the memo.
- STORE memos in company library. Each user has library of memos that were sent to them.
- Reports show dates and times memos sent and when accepted by each recipient.
- Each user has library of memos that have been sent to them.