Animated puppets / avatars: Workers view these as silly, pointless, time wasters.
Forced Time Delays: Staff find it frustrating & stressful.
Uncontrolled click-through: Most will try, but then do poorly on exam, wasting time and causing frustration.
Long training videos: Lose interest and focus a few minutes into almost any training video.
Solution: ASCENT avoids these problems with several features that are super quick and easy to use.
Review Question
- A single question.
- Put as many as you like
- Typically added ever few pages (or few minutes of video), or after key learning points.
- Blocks student from continuing until answered correctly.
- Answers are shuffled randomly every time the question loads.
- Student can go ‘back’ to learn the correct answer.
Inserting a Review Question into a course is just like a teacher in the classroom pausing their lecture and saying “Johnny! What did I just say?”. It very effectively gets the student to start paying attention and LEARN the content.

Video Clips
To insert a video, simply click the Add Video toolbar button, then drag-&-drop the video in. Then set the page time as per the following:

Content - Applicable Page Timings
You CAN set a minimum time for an page to be viewed, however we suggest you NOT do that for pages unless that page has a video, sound, selp-play PowerPoint, or interactive component that takes a certain time to ‘play’. In those cases, set the Minimum Page Time to the length of that content on the page.
Instead of forcing learners to stay on pages of READING material for a set time, just follow it with a Review Question to make sure they actually did read and understand the page(s).
Then click the Minimum Page Time button, and enter the length of the video clip. This will ensure the page with the video on it stays there for the length of the video.
Quizzes / Exams
It is common to see training courses with an exam at the end, often with a passing score of about 80%.

ASCENT has several features in our Exam tool to enable SELF-CORRECTED TO 100% training. See our Exams features page for details.
Exams can also be inserted anywhere in a course module, as many as you like. So you can have a ‘quiz’ at the end of each chapter / section
Exam Analytics
Check the Analytics reports occasionally to identify exam questions which have an abnormally high rate of incorrect answer selections, as well as view other patterns which indicate areas in your training which could use some improvements or updates.
Feedback Surveys
We highly recommend adding a Feedback Survey at the end of each training module. This can help you identify any remaining knowledge ‘gaps’ an individual has, or sections of content which are causing issues for numbers of staff.
You can also add short Feedback Surveys at the end of each section (even stand-alone).